Lawn Care Guide

Lawn Care Guide

Having a beautiful lawn makes the world of difference to your overall garden appearance. To keep your lawn looking it’s best, there are simple tips which should be followed throughout the year and so we’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide to get your grass healthy, green, and gorgeous.

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Although it’s part of the low season for lawns, January is still an important month in the lawn care calendar. Now may be the best time to get your lawn mower serviced and give yourself plenty of time to make sure it’s in great working condition.

AVOID FROSTY GRASS - It’s important to not step on the lawn too much during frosty weather. When it’s cold, grass can get brittle and stepping on it can leave it scorched and looking brown!


    Now is a great time to grab your GARDEN FORK and start aerating your lawn. This will help loosen any compact ground and encourage drainage. Aerating now will help prevent waterlogging problems which may lead to ALGAE, MOSS AND FUNGAL PROBLEMS.

    Spreading some GRASS SEED over your lawn now will help it to recover in the Spring. Known as ‘Dormant Seeding’, this method ensures that the seeds are there and ready to start germinating as the weather gets warmer. They have optimum time to germinate and grow.

Like January, February is one of the best times to start prepping your lawn ready for growth in the Spring. Continue to aerate and repair bald patches when you can as this will save you time next month!


    Broken and untidy lawn edges can be re-cut in February. Use either a Flat-bladed Spade or a Half-moon Edging Iron to neaten, and that’ll save you a little more work as Spring makes its way around. Add a Decorative Border to keep your beds looking great all year round.

    Although worms are a sign of good soil and they do help to cultivate, it’s important to not let casts build up. In dry weather, simply brush them back into your lawn with a hard Brush or Rake. This helps redistribute the nutrients into the soil and reduces the risk of weed growth.

As Spring starts to arrive, the weather will start to warm up and you’ll get new growth coming through! March is one of the busiest months in the Lawn Care calendar as keeping your lawn tidy will take a lot more attention.


    March is the perfect time to do your first cut of the year. Only mow when the grass is dry and set the cutting height to the maximum. If the grass is cut too short it won’t be able to soak up as much sunlight which can stunt future growth. If you’re looking for a new lawn mower, get one that suits your garden and needs. Whether it’s electric, petrol, or cordless, there are plenty of great mowers to choose from.

    Later in the month, apply a Spring Lawn Feed. Spring Lawn Feed is high in nitrogen which helps promote strong new grass growth and helps the lawn to recover after a cold winter. Nitrogen tends to be washed out of the soil in wet weather and so the best time to apply is on a warm day following rain when the grass is dry but the soil is moist enough to absorb the nutrients. Spread lawn feed more evenly with a handy spreader!

Now we’re well into the swing of Spring, your lawn will need regular care and attention to keep it looking its best.

BEGIN REGULAR MOWING – After an initial couple of cuts in March, you’ll now need to start mowing your lawn roughly once every two weeks. Start the month with a high cutting height and gradually reduce it as the month goes on. By regularly mowing your lawn, you'll help to keep strong new growth coming through as well as deter the growth of those pesky weeds. Your lawn will start to look thicker and more luxurious throughout the season.

SCARIFY – Before you start scarifying, treat your lawn for weeds and moss. Once treated and dead, it can then be quickly and easily collected as you scarify. Scarifying your lawn means that you're removing dead grass and thatch which can hinder grass growth and keep your lawn looking its fullest. There are a number of scarifier models to choose from so you’re sure to find one that best suits you and your garden.

As we come towards the end of Spring, grass will be growing quicker than ever. Just like in the previous two months, May is the perfect time to be weeding, seeding, mowing and repairing your lawn to keep it looking luscious. 


    May is the perfect month for growth so if you prefer your lawn to be kept neat and tidy, you’d need to mow at least once a week to keep it looking pristine. Consider leaving a patch in your lawn for ‘No Mow May’. This would be a patch where you let the grass and wildflowers grow so that bees, butterflies and other invaluable pollinators can thrive.

    Before the warm weather arrives, you’ll need to tackle weeds before they sprout and grow. A modern way to weed is to use a solid or liquid hormone weed killer. They’re fast-acting and effective. If you prefer a more environmentally friendly option, try a natural weed preventer, which is completely plant-based and is both pet and child-friendly, or an anti-weed fabric.

As we enter the summer months, we bet you won’t be able to resist getting outside and enjoying the sunny weather, which is even more reason to have your lawn looking its best. 


Mowing  – In these warmer months, continue to mow your lawn regularly but be sure not to set the height too short. Too short and you’ll end up scalping the grass which can weaken the blades and encourage weed growth.


    You’ll need to keep on top of weeding and trimming your edges as the warm weather will encourage growth. A strimmer or brushcutter will make light work of this. Hand tools such as a compact pruner and hand fork will help you keep on top of any pesky weeds that start to peep through your beds and make it look messy. Spend a little time to keep on top of these tasks each week and your garden will look tidy all summer.

    Established lawns should be able to cope well in dry spells, although the blades may become brown and die off, their roots will still be alive and ready to grow again once rain returns. If you do water your lawn, try to give it a good soaking once or twice a week in the early morning or late evening. Stored rainwater should be used wherever possible and a water butt is a great way to collect and store rainwater.

As the warm weather starts to subside, you’ll be looking to start an Autumn Lawn Care routine as well as all the other tasks needed in the rest of the garden. Check out our AUTUMN GARDENING GUIDE.


REDUCE MOWING – Growth rate will begin to slow and as a result, you’ll need to mow less often. As the month progresses, raise the height of the cut so that the grass stays resilient to the changing weather. Make sure to drain any leftover fuel from your mower before storing it away for the winter.


    To repair any damage done by the warm summer weather, you’ll want to start by scarifying and aerating the ground. Next, you’ll want to apply an AUTUMN LAWN FEED which is rich in phosphorus and potassium which will encourage root growth and hardiness. Autumn Lawn Feed is important for helping the grass recover after warm, dry weather but also helps prepare it for the cold winter.

    September is a perfect time to start planting your spring-flowering bulbs. Whether it’s Snowdrops, Daffodils, or Crocuses, make sure to choose a particular area on your lawn as it’ll need to be left unmown for several months. A BULB PLANTER is a great tool to use for this job as it’ll cause minimal disturbance to the soil and helps you plant the bulbs at the correct level every time.

November is the perfect month to start prepping your lawn for Winter. The most important things to keep in mind as the weather gets colder, are to keep your lawn clear of debris and to ensure it has enough nutrients to keep it looking green and healthy.



    Grab a LAWN RAKE or a handy ELECTRIC LEAF BLOWER and ensure your lawn is free of any fallen leaves. If left, they can smother the grass by blocking out essential light and moisture. Add the leaves you've collected onto a COMPOST BIN or PILE as they're full of valuable nutrients which can be absorbed back into your soil and help your plants to flourish.

    Fertilising your lawn in November is a great way to make sure your grass gets all the nutrients it needs before the cold weather starts to really settle in. Choose an AUTUMN/WINTER FERTILISER as this will contain magnesium and potassium to ensure roots stay strong and get that boost of energy they need to survive those frosty mornings.

As the weather gets colder and the nights draw in, December is a time when little lawn care is needed. 


TRIM & TIDY – When the winter kicks in, there’s not much to do other than keep the leaves off your lawn and tackle any light PRUNING jobs when the weather allows. Mowing should only really be done if the weather is mild and the grass continues to grow. 


RELAX! - If you’ve followed the rest of the guide, now is the time to take some time off, put your feet up and stay tucked up inside, safe in the knowledge you’ve created a happy, healthy lawn.